Digitising Safety Course: Better with Tech

Transform your safety systems and processes with technology and digital tools. No Tech background needed.
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Course overview


Study at your own pace in this comprehensive learning journey on creating meaningful digital forms, digital data collection, analysis and visualisation.


E-learning, pre-recorded in-depth content as well as instructor support in monthly live office hours. Join from anywhere in the world.
Live sessions available for corporates, teams & groups.


No tech background? No problem! This course is suitable for all, regardless of your tech background or expertise.


An engaging group for peer-to-peer interactions and support as well as instructor support via chat, email and monthly live ffice hours.
Lady typing onto a macbook

Embrace Efficiency

Say goodbye to the old way

Eliminate the hassle of pens, paper, and manual processes that not only consume your valuable time but also add unnecessary costs. Learn to use the digitals tools you already have to their fullest potential, making your workday more efficient and your safety protocols more effective.
a pair of hands holding a tablet, on screen there are options to connect tasks, people, data, and files

Invest in Your Professional Growth


Course Fee

Starts at $99
Contact us for team/group pricing.

Includes Lifetime Access, Community & Support

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Once you join us, you gain lifelong access to the course and updates, allowing you to revisit and refresh your skills anytime.

Ready to Digitize Your Safety Protocols?

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your professional skills and streamline your work processes.

Book a call with us to ask any questions and see if the Digitising Safety Course is the right fit for you.

  • Tailored for Safety Professionals:

    Specifically designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of safety professionals.

  • Ease of Learning

    Even if you're new to technology, our course structure is built to ensure you can easily grasp and apply digital solutions in your work environment.

  • Real-World Application

    Not just theory – live practical approaches you can implement immediately.

Let's Make Safety Better with Technology!

Join Us in Revolutionizing Safety Management, One Digital Step at a Time.

Join a community of forward-thinking safety professionals and step into the future of safety management. Embrace the change, digitise/digitalise and automate your safety processes, and become a trailblazer in your field.

Have Questions or Curious if This Course is Right for You? Let's talk!
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