Digitise how safety teams work

Flocrunch Founder, Ike Osho, shown sending communications and tasks to a team represented by illustrations

Too much paperwork is making teams less safe

Here's a better way to prevent workplace accidents

Simple digitisation, without needing a technical background
Keep more people safe and secure
Reach your team's full potential!

Digitise how your safety team works

Say goodbye to your clipboard with a system that's simple, secure, and accessible for all team members
Learn more about FloApps
a tablet screen showing workflow collaboration

A systematic approach to digitising and automating health & safety operations

Flocrunch consulting helps you rein in excessive reporting, improve team communication, and support faster decisions.

Your team can experience hands-free documents, real-time reporting, automation, and convenient notifications, so you can focus on what really matters in your department.

How it works

20-minute fit call

The first step is a call to understand your business, current practices, your needs and goals, and to determine whether/how we can help you. You can also spend this time learning about how our softare can help take you from paper to digital.

Flo Session

2 - 4 WEEKS
We'll take a deep dive into your team and processes and find your best digitisation opportunities. At the end of the Flo Session, we will put together a plan/strategy detailed to achieve your goals.

Flo Builder

Based on the plan developed during your Flo Session, we will guide, support and help you through execution, implementation, training, finding solutions and tackling issues, whether it is using our software or other solution best designed to meet your needs.

How will the Flo Session / Builder help you?

Completely bespoke, personalised services from Flocrunch to design, digitise, automate, and optimise your health and safety processes. This may include any of the following:
  • Build in-house digital solutions using our software or other no code tools saving you lots of time and money
  • Digitise training, induction and information sharing 
  • Document repository or Intranet to house all things H&S or company specific
  • Applications, digital  forms and automated workflows to manage your processes and tasks such as accodent reporting, audits, inspections, risk assessments etc
  • Automated dashboards
  • Learning and instructional design
  • Digital skills and software related training, user guides and explainer videos
  • Training & Technical Support post software implementation
  • Technical project and product management at every stage from planning to deployment including training, user guides and explainer videos
  • Other identified tech needs
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We're here for you

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please reach out to our friendly team.

Get more value from your tools

Let’s help you design solutions using tools you already have access to and use everyday; or use our prebuilt templates and workflows to fast-track your digitisation journey.
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